Joana Grace
Joanna MS, PA (ASCP) is a yoga teacher specializing in yoga for chronic pain, beginners, and athletes. You can attend classes at Fighters United MMA in New Jersey and live online in her virtual studio. Her classes are easily adaptable, great for beginners, and can improve strength, balance, mobility, flexibility, and mental wellness. Overcoming her physical and mental obstacles has helped her connect and understand her students and provide them with solutions when facing their challenges. 2010 she received a BS in at Thomas Jefferson University in Bioscience Technologies. 2014 she received her MS, PA (ASCP) in Pathology and Anatomy at Drexel Medicine. In the early mornings, you can find her dissecting the human body for cancer and all forms of pathology.
You can check out her website at www.JoannaGraceYoga.com